The 4 Buckets of Wellness Before You Kick One

Which bucket of wellness needs your attention?

Accidents are in the top 10 reasons for death in every age group.

Cancer, heart disease, and respiratory diseases are right up there.

Did you know COVID was the #4 cause of death in the most recent data from 2022?

Of course we’re all going to die of something, but it’s good to know what’s most likely to derail us and to spend some time thinking about what really makes us feel well.

Your health and wellness, in 4 buckets:

  1. Your Body

Your body, which includes your brain, is the most obvious aspect of health and wellness. There’s a lot to say here that you’ve probably already heard. In 11 words, your body bucket of wellness includes:

  • Eating

  • Sleeping

  • Moving that beautiful body

  • Thinking in a healthy way

  1. Your Buddies

Did you know that loneliness is a greater risk factor than smoking for a host of chronic diseases? The opposite of loneliness is connectedness and happens at multiple levels. Have connections and grow the healthy ones. Buddies matter.

  • Your go to inner circle of people you can trust

  • Your mid level circle of co-workers, your run group, or extended family

  • Your outer circle of baristas and anyone you run into in daily living

  1. Your Bumbling

A friend lost her job unexpectedly a year ago. She’s been aimless, drifting from one thing to the next to figure out what she wants to do in the world. We all bumble around sometimes. Your bumbling bucket includes:

  • Finding meaning in your place, in others, and in life

  • Feeling stable in life, financially and with all your needs

  • Having a strong sense of purpose about what you are doing on earth

  1. Your Bubbles

Bubbles, as in taking a bubble bath to care of you. This bucket is also for bubble wrap. These are decisions and actions you take that wrap you in bubble wrap like protection- like the decision to not drive like a road rage maniac when you’re mad.

That’s it! Four "B”s to be well, for life.

Know your buckets. Make a plan. Execute it with Wellness Planning.