What Really Makes You Well

It's more than your weight and workouts

Three people, each considers themselves to be very well.

Jen is a world-class athlete.

Dave is a successful CEO.

Joe has a heart that is literally too big. He has cardiomyopathy. His heart is too large to pump his blood efficiently. Everyone who knows him says he has a big heart - of gold. He would do anything for those in his orbit, and his orbit is always there for him.

Who is most well?

They are all well, just in different ways.

Jen’s body is functioning very well. Dave is firmly grounded in his purpose in life. And Joe’s level of feeling connected with others is off the charts.

How well are you?  

Rate  yourself on a scale of 1-10 in each area of wellness

  1. Healthy - you are physically and mentally at your best

  2. Connected - you have people you can always count on

  3. Meaning - You have a strong sense of purpose and find meaning in your life. You’re right where you want to be.

  4. Safe - You know the risks to your health and wellness and try to reduce them.

Wellness is dynamic and multifaceted. You can be at your best in one area and lacking in another. That’s OK. They all overlap. Get better at one; the other goes up too. Start wherever you are.

Know yourself. Make a plan where you want to be more well. Execute it. Be well, for life.